Maritime Transport - Marine Engineering

Course Info

Main areas: marine power plants, ships constructions and structures, theory, operation , maintenance and repair of shipboard marine engines , equipment, systems and auxiliaries, electrical equipment and automatics, energy generation, maritime environment protection, ship technical management including training on the Engine room simulators and in workshops , relevant theoretical maritime and general engineering and maritime English courses.

The programme incorporates a minimum of six-month shipboard training and practical training in shipyards and other shore companies.

Students can apply for Erasmus+ scholarships for study mobility and/or traineeship mobility.

Studies are organised in the form of lectures, seminars, project works and discussion groups.

Students are required to complete the study programme followed by final examinations in specialisation and maritime English, as well as a graduation project.

Career Prospects

A marine engineer or subsequently a chief engineer on merchant or other vessels without limitations, a superintendent or an engineer in maritime or other shore-based companies

Application requirements

• General or vocational secondary education

• Proficiency in the English language.

Post-graduate opportunities:

MSc studies