Sports Science
Level: Doctoral degree
- Qualification:Pedagogy doctor degree in sports science
- Duration: 3.5 years
Tuition fee: 3747 euro + 500 euro safety deposit

Course Info
Program aim:
- Development of sports science in Latvia, providing a possibility for Doctoral students to obtain internationally comparable competence in sports science and internationally comparable PhD degree.
- Acquiring of theoretical knowledge, research skills and abilities in sports science and in related fields of science – pedagogy, psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, medicine, etc.
- Development of a Doctoral student’s personality for work in education institutions.
- Acquiring of study and research organisation and management principles.
Program content:
- Science for sport
- Research methodology
- Topicalities of education and sport management theories
- Cognitive science systematics and methods in communication research
- Scientific lexis in foreign language
- Research presentation
- Data procession technology
- Sport science in trans-personal environment
- Working out and pre-defence of the promotion thesis
Application requirements
- Bachelor’s degree
- Master’s degree
- Completed secondary education
- Diploma
- Transcript of grades
- Eligibility to continue studies for doctoral degree
* International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)/ secondary school grade