Bachelors in Business Administration

Course Info

Programme description

Each student has an opportunity of paid traineeship in European companies, as well as to study during 1 or 2 semesters in foreign partner-universities of ISMA in the framework of student mobility programmes. ISMA also offers traineeship placement at tourism and hospitality enterprises in Latvia. Many ISMA students start professional career while studying. ISMA gives students an opportunity to develop and implement there business ideas in Business Incubator, with the benefits and support provided to the participants.

Objectives of the study programme:

  • To provide competitive professional higher education (5th level professional qualification, 6th level EKI) in the field of tourism business administration and to prepare tourism specialists with a high potential for productivity both on the Latvian and global labour markets;
  • To promote high quality of education and traineeship in the sphere of business administration through the formation and strengthening of analytical and leadership skills, as well as problem-solving skills;
  • To give students comprehensive knowledge, practical skills and understanding of the laws of modern economic development, of the role of innovation in entrepreneurial activity, the processes which take place in various branches of the national economy, in state and public management, and of other processes of business activity;
  • To develop students’ skills of scientific research, analytical thinking, innovative thinking and creativity, communication skills, which will let the graduates become creative personalities and successfully enter the Latvian and global labour markets;
  • To promote the development of education and research work in the field of business management while strengthening the competitiveness of Latvian higher education internationally;
  • To prepare students to take leading positions and build careers in the sphere of business, public and-commercial organisations, to establish there own businesses, and to further studies at Master’s degree programme

Aim of the study programme

To prepare highly qualified specialists, innovative thinkers, competitive specialists and business leaders, who are able to solve modern business problems in the conditions of dynamically developing competitive global market, have entrepreneurial thinking, are capable of establishing and managing there own businesses in various industries while being socially responsible. The mission is fulfilled through intellectual and practical interdisciplinary approach to training.


  • Business Administration
  • Music Management
  • Information Systems Management
  • Business Communication