Security and Personal Data Protection

Length: 2 years

Level: Diploma

Fee: 2 700€ / year

Fee: 300€ Registration fee + 500€ security deposit

Course Info

One of the constituent parts of security is cybersecurity. In a wider sense, cybersecurity includes different threats in the cyberspace, as well as measures to eliminate them, which cover different fields: technologies, law, human rights, economics, psychology, sociology, politics, diplomacy, military area. Regulatory enactments are adopted on the international, European and national levels, as well as measures and initiatives taken in cybersecurity, especially with regards to combatting cybercrimes, the most significant of such enactments being the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe. Whereas, in a narrower sense, cybersecurity pertains to security of information systems and capability to protect them from cyberattacks and cybercrimes. Information security is defined as preserving of three main information aspects in the cyberspace: confidentiality, integrity and accessibility.


Aim of the study programme 

 to ensure an opportunity to obtain the profession of security specialist and educate for professional activities in the field of security and personal data protection. The aforementioned goal coincides with the mission of the College of Law – within a period of two years, to train theoretically knowledgeable and practically capable specialists for the private and State sectors, emphasising the specifics of Latvia as Member State of the European Union.


The study programme content includes law, management, information technology, cybersecurity management, security and personal data protection competences, which are required for the security specialist.



Tasks of the study programme:

1. To provide knowledge, create and develop abilities, skills and attitudes required to perform professional activities in conformity with the professional qualification of security specialist.

2. To ensure obtaining of such knowledge and skills that would allow graduates to successfully integrate on the labour market upon completion of the programme, allowing them to undertake and perform duties defined for the profession.

3. To ensure obtaining of modern general knowledge, involving guest lecturers and industry specialists in the study process, who would share their practical experience.

4. To shape the study process in such a way as to promote self-education of students and their involvement in professional continuous education processes and the qualification level upgrade.



The security specialist operates in the environment where technologies change very fast and new tools are created continuously, but also threats arise. Graduates are ready to apply the obtained knowledge and professional competences in practice, as well as to continue developing their skills, train their colleagues, clients, partners and others during their professional career.



The main planned learning outcomes of the security and personal data protection study programme regarding graduates are: 

trained and highly qualified security specialists, who are competent, within the framework of their professional activities, to provide legal and natural persons with security services; to find out the essence of conflict situations within the framework of laws and regulations, to find out threats and risks; by working with a computer, to participate in or ensure processes for property and personnel security measures of an organisation, including the organisation’s personnel management processes and educating the organisation’s personnel in security issues, to supervise observation of civil defence, fire safety, environmental protection, epidemiological safety and hygienic requirements, etc., pertaining to the organisation’s protection and safety, in the organisation; to plan resources required for security of an organisation; to neutralise existing and potential threats of an organisation.

Application requirements

  • Completed secondary education
    • Diploma
    • Transcript of grades


  • Good or excellent final grades in the following subjects
    • English*
    • Mathematics


  • Eligibility for higher education in home country



 * International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)/ secondary school grade


  • rofessional study courses:



    • Personal Data Protection
    • Organisation Cybersecurity
    • Planning of Security Processes and Resource Management
    • Organisation Management
    • Security Theory and Organisational Security
    • Information Security
    • Protection Tools and Methods
    • Investigation of Security Incidents
    • Management of Security Risks and Crises
    • Security Staff Operation, Tactics and Special Devices
    • Project Management



    General education study courses:



    • Fundamentals of Law and Procedural Rights
    • Standards and Regulatory Enactments in the Field of Security
    • Occupational, Civil and Environmental Safety
    • Stress Management in Crisis Situations
    • Document Management and Professional Terminology
    • Professional Terminology in a Foreign Language (English, Russian)
    • Information Technologies and Introduction in Cybersecurity
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Fundamentals of Human Safety and Securitability



    Elective study courses:


    • Assault Tool and Methods
    • Open-Source Data Analysis
    • Fundamentals of Python Programming
    • Mediation
    • Security Psychology