Masters in Brand Design


  • Know and understand brand design creation process.
  • Know modern brand-building design principles.
  • Know research methods in the field of design.


  • Able to create a brand design, reflecting an organization′s philosophy, the target audience, market demand.
  • Able to use modern information technology solutions for brand design and visual communication development.
  • Able to provide arguments in discussing brand design and visual identity building aspects.
  • Able to independently organize and carry out a study in design.
  • Able to reflect in writing and orally present the tasks carried out or the results of research.
  • Able to create a design project, which includes visual identity, product design, visual communication with the consumer.


  • To provide students with a set of knowledge, skills and competencies in design, who are then able to create the visual identity and visual communication of an organization in accordance with its business philosophy, using contemporary design and information technology solutions.

Mandatory Study Courses

  • Introduction in studies
  • Branding
  • Brand Graphic Design
  • Brand Visual Identity
  • Motion Design
  • Management of Creative Projects
  • Contemporary Art
  • Management Psychology
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Research Methods and Organization of Academic Work