Russia and Eurasia Studies

Course Info

Despite the relatively small size of the Russian economy, the country retains significant military and political power. Consequently, Russia has a substantial impact on the dynamics of its surrounding regions, as well as other regions and global processes.
  • Latvia has accumulated a vast experience in political, economic and social transformation by vigorously departing from Russia’s orbit and joining Western institutional pillars – the EU, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Thereby Latvia and the other two Baltic states serve as role models to Eastern European and other countries in transition;
  • Putting Russian domestic and foreign policy at the core, the program offers focused, detailed and applied study courses, while also providing first-hand knowledge on wider Eurasian issues covering Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia;
  • Due to Latvia’s geographic location, the countries that are the focus of the program are easily accessible by air and/or land transportation – in particular Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan;
  •  Central Asia and EU Eastern Partnership countries have historically all been at the heart of Latvia’s foreign policy. This provides students with the opportunity to witness national and EU policy taking shape first-hand and the ability to participate in regular public discussions and other events;

  • The program’s instructors have unique expertise in the international academic environment, think-tanks and extensive field experience as practitioners (e.g. as EU and national level diplomats) with regionalist research interests ranging from Russia to China, as well as a proficiency in major Eurasian languages and cultures.

Entry requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in social sciences and/or humanities (in case the applicant has a bachelor’s degree in another field, there will be an interview with the Head of the program);
    • Diploma
    • Diploma supplement/transcript

  • Good command of English*

  • Description of a prospective master’s thesis (essay)

  • Letter of motivation

  • Eligibility for Master’s studies in the country where Bachelor’s degree was acquired

 * International test score (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)